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A Crucial First Step: Mortgage Pre-Approval

A Crucial First Step: Mortgage Pre-Approval

A Crucial First Step: Mortgage Pre-Approval

The local office of Tabor Mortgage Group is here to help you make the first step of your home buying process and get pre-approved!...

#first-time-homebuyer #homebuyingprocess

Why It’s So Important to Hire a Pro

Why It’s So Important to Hire a Pro

Why It’s So Important to Hire a Pro

Thinking of buying a home? Here are just a few reasons why you'll want a trusted, local, Tabor Mortgage loan officer on your side. ...

#homebuyingprocess #tips

A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice

A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice

A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice

If you’re a homeowner or are planning to become one soon, you’re probably looking for clear information about today’s housing market....

#realestate #tips

Why You May Want To Start Your Home Search Today

Why You May Want To Start Your Home Search Today

Why You May Want To Start Your Home Search Today

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you likely have a lot of factors on your mind....


The U.S. Homeownership Rate Is Growing

The U.S. Homeownership Rate Is Growing

The U.S. Homeownership Rate Is Growing

The desire to own a home is still strong today. In fact, according to the Census, the U.S. homeownership rate is on the rise. ...


Buying a Home May Make More Financial Sense Than Renting One

Buying a Home May Make More Financial Sense Than Renting One

Buying a Home May Make More Financial Sense Than Renting One

If rising home prices leave you wondering if it makes more sense to rent or buy a home in today’s housing market, consider this....

#finances #first-time-homebuyer #lifestyle

Why Pre-Approval Is a Game Changer for Homebuyers

Why Pre-Approval Is a Game Changer for Homebuyers

Why Pre-Approval Is a Game Changer for Homebuyers

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, you might have heard that pre-approval is a necessary step to take before starting out on your journey. But why is that?...


Things To Avoid After Applying for a Home Loan

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Home Loan

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Home Loan

There are a few things you may not realize you need to avoid after applying for your home loan....

#first-time-homebuyer #tips

Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home

Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home

Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home

You may be someone who looks forward to summer each year because it gives you an opportunity to rest, unwind, and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones....

#lifestyle #realestate

Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Buying your first home is a major decision and an exciting milestone. Even though it can feel daunting at times, it has the power to change your life for the better....


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Your Dream Home Today